
The oldest translation of the Qur'an published

The unique edition begins with the prefaces by the Head of the Academy Shain Mustafayev, the renown Turkologist Osman Fikri Sertkaya and the author of the work Ekrem Ural. In the introductory part of the book, the author dwelled on other versions of the translations of the Qur'an into Turkic languages that have come down to us and comprehensively compared them with each other. In the main sections, the reader can get acquainted with the transliteration of the ancient translation of the Qur'an and the index of frequency of the words used. It should be noted that earlier the Turkic Academy has published and presented a complete facsimile of this written monument. This unique edition is the oldest and most complete version of the translation of the Qu'ran into the ancient Turkic language, which has come down to our days. The original historical manuscript, known in scientific circles under the code TIEM 73, is stored in the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art in Istanbul.