
A decision was made to support the Turkic countries intending to transfer the alphabet to the Latin script

The meeting was attended by members of the Commission, employees of research institutes of linguistics of the Turkic countries, as well as other field specialists. The issue of harmonization of the alphabets of the Turkic languages is an important area of cooperation between the fraternal countries. The strategic document "Vision of the Turkic World – 2040", adopted in 2021 at the VIII Summit of the Heads of State of the OTS, states that one of the tasks set is to achieve unity in the alphabet and terminology to ensure more effective communication between the member states of the OTS. In addition, in the Agreement on the Establishment of the Turkic Academy, the development of general principles of the alphabet, equally suitable for all Turkic languages, is included among the goals and objectives of the Academy. In his welcoming speech addressed to the forum participants, the President of the Turkic Academy, Shahin Mustafayev, noted that the issue of the transition of the Turkic peoples to the use of a common alphabet based on Latin script was first discussed almost 100 years ago, at the First Turkological Congress held in Baku. And in 1991, with the independence of the Turkic states, the long-standing initiative was revived. As Shahin Mustafayev put it, the common alphabet is not imposing a unified system on all the Turkic peoples, but rather an attempt to develop common principles in the sphere of alphabet. The Head of the Academy also noted that on September 26-27, last year, in the city of Bursa it was decided to create a Commission on the Common Alphabet, and this forum was its first meeting. In turn, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kanat Tumysh recalled that reaching agreement on a common alphabet is an order of the Heads of the Member States of the Organization of Turkic States. He also stated that the preservation of the linguistic proximity of the Turkic peoples is of great importance for strengthening cooperation. Head of the Supreme Council of Culture, Language and History. Atatürk, Vice-President of the Turkish Linguistic Society Yuksel Ozgen noted that the unity of the alphabet will bring the Turkic people even closer. The President of the Turkish Linguistic Society, Osman Mert, mentioned that in ancient times our ancestors had a high written culture, and today independent states are lucky to continue this tradition. Advisor to the Minister of Information and Public Consent Yerbol Alshynbai read to the participants the congratulatory letter from Minister Darkhan Kydyrali, and wished success to the first meeting of the Commission. Chairman of the Language Policy Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Yerbol Tleshov in his speech focused on what work is being done by the Kazakh side in the field of transition to the Latin alphabet. He also mentioned that the common alphabet is of particular importance for preserving linguistic closeness between related peoples. After the break, the meeting continued by thematic sessions. The first session was devoted to the issues of ensuring unity in the alphabet, as well as the state language policy of related countries. The session was moderated by the Chairman of the Language Policy Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerbol Tleshov, the Director General of the Nasimi Institute of Linguistics Nadir Mammadli (Azerbaijan), the Director of the Ahmet Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics Anar Fazylzhanova (Kazakhstan), Deputy Director of the Chyngyz Aitmatov Institute of Language and Literature Dinara Israilova (Kyrgyzstan), Scientific Secretary of the Institute of the Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore Gulom Ismailov (Uzbekistan), President of the Turkish Linguistic Society Osman Mert.
At the second session, moderated by the Rector of the Alisher Navoi Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature Shukhrat Sirojiddinov, the participants discussed the rules of procedure and approved them taking into account the opinions of the parties. During the third session, which lasted after the lunch break, the roadmap for the development of a common alphabet was considered. The members of the commission agreed on concrete steps to be taken to achieve the goal stipulated in the strategic document "Vision of the Turkic World – 2040". The session was moderated by the Head of the Ataturk Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History, Vice-President of the Turkish Linguistic Society Yuksel Ozgen. At the fourth session, held by the President of the Turkic Academy, Shahin Mustafayev, the final documents of the meeting were adopted. Bearing in mind that the harmonization of the alphabets of the Turkic languages is one of the important items of the agenda of the Turkic States, it was decided to give support to the Turkic States intending to translate the alphabet into Latin graphics. The main task of the Commission is to promote a gradual and trouble-free transition to a common alphabet by carrying out the necessary preparatory work and, thus, promoting the development and interaction of the Turkic peoples. The participants agreed to hold the next meeting in Baku in 2024. The chairmanship of the commission has been transferred to the Azerbaijani side.