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Translations of the Quran

Translations of the Quran

General information: The first translations of the Quran was made under the Karakhan state. This translation is also known as a line feed. A literal translation is written under the Arabic text of the Quran. Scholars agree that the first translation of the Quran can be made between the XI and XII centuries.

There are four versions of the translation of the Koran, which are believed to have been made in the era of the Karakhanids.

The first version is registered under No. 73 in the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Works in Istanbul. The translator's name and time are not recorded. Muhammad ibn al-Hajj was displaced by the Devletshah of Shirazi in 1333-1334.

The second version is kept in the John Ryland Library in Manchester, England. Older than the first option. Along with the Turkic translation, there is also a Persian translation.

The third option is in the library of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan No. 2008. This version also has a Turkic and Persian translation.

The fourth is a translation from the collection of Hekimoglu Ali Pasha in the Suleimani Library in Istanbul.

Scientific research: About the first translations of the Qur'an into the Turkic language by Zeki Walidi Togan, Abdulkadir Inan reports that the Qur'an-Karim was first translated into Persian in the X century, and may soon be translated into the Turkic language. According to Rylands , I conducted the research . Ekman.


Togan Z.V. The Earliest of the Qur’an into Turkish// ITED, IV-1-4, İstanbul, 1964.

İnan A. Kuran’ı Kerimin Türkçe Tercümeleri üzerinde Bir İnceleme. – Ankara, 1961.

Eckmann J. Doğu Türkçesinde bir Kur’an Çevirisi// TDAY Belleten, Ankara, 1968. – S.51-69.

Eckmann J. Eastern Turkic Translations of the Koran// Studia Turcica. – Budapest, 1971. – S.149-159

Eckmann J. Middle Turkic Glosses of the Rylands Interlinear Koran Translation. – Budapest, 1976.

F.Köprülü. Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi. – İstanbul, 1986.

Собрание восточных рукописей Академии наук Узбекской ССР. Т.ІV. Под редакцией А.А. Семенова. – Ташкент, 1957.


Тürk ve İslam Eserleri Müzesi’nde No. 73 kayıtlı nüshadaki Fatiha Süresi'nin tercümesinin transkripsiyonu:


[1v/1] 1. törütgәn siz bir uğan iḏi atı birlә bağırsaq qamug tınlığqa rūzi berigli mü‘minlәri yarlıqağan.

2. (2) şükr ü sipās ögdi taŋrıqa ajunluğlarnı ägtülägän iḏi.

3. rūzi berigli (3) yarlıqağlı.

4. әrklig saqış yanut küniniŋ.

5. seni birlәp saŋa tapınur miz. [2r/1] yana sendin ök yāri tilәnür miz.

6. yolçılağıl bizni köni yolqa

7. (2) anlarnıŋ yolıŋa. kim minnәt qıldıŋ anlarnıŋ üzә. (3) әrmәs öfkәnmәs anlar üzә taqı yoldın azmış.