General information
Archeological activity, which in the era of the Empire of the Huns (Xiongnu ), was a mystery, not a mystery. Chinese sources say that “the Huns have no written language, but laws are oral”. In addition, Chinese sources write: “tang-li-ku-tu-san-juj - Tenli kutu san yuj”, which in the Xiongnu language means “Taniri kutty shanyu”. In modern Turkic, Mongolian (and earlier Manchu) languages teŋiri // teŋri // tanara > “God”, qut // qutuγ //> “God”, kün // šön // šün // šaŋï > “son, light, ray" (also tün // tön // šön "night, darkness, dark, moon"), if considered with general, generalizing semantics, "Tanri qut (i) šan'juj" can be reproduced as " Grace of God is the owner of the sun and moon" The following text is “soucig thalig-qan boug qourginug toutqan - “ If you lead the troops (voivode) on a campaign, then this camp (city, fortress) will be taken”.
Бичурин Н. Собрание сочинение о народах, обитавших в Средней Азии в древние времена. -Алматы, 1998, С. 40.
Фасеев Ф.С. К расшифровке хуннских фрагментов // Источниковедение и история тюркских языков. Казань, 1978. С. 137-147. [Фасеев, 1978, 137-147].