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Writing of the Hunnic Empire

Writing of the Hunnic Empire
Writing of the Hunnic Empire
Writing of the Hunnic Empire
Writing of the Hunnic Empire
Writing of the Hunnic Empire

General information 

Archeological activity, which in the era of the Empire of the Huns (Xiongnu ), was a mystery, not a mystery.  Chinese sources say that “the Huns have no written language, but laws are oral”. In addition, Chinese sources write: “tang-li-ku-tu-san-juj - Tenli kutu san yuj”, which in the Xiongnu language means “Taniri kutty shanyu”. In modern Turkic, Mongolian (and earlier Manchu) languages teŋiri // teŋri // tanara > “God”, qut // qutuγ //> “God”, kün // šön // šün // šaŋï > “son,  light, ray" (also tün // tön // šön "night, darkness, dark, moon"), if considered with general, generalizing semantics, "Tanri qut (i) šan'juj" can be reproduced as " Grace of God is the owner of the sun and moon" The following text is “soucig thalig-qan boug qourginug toutqan - “ If you lead the troops (voivode) on a campaign, then this camp (city, fortress) will be taken”.


Бичурин Н.  Собрание сочинение о народах, обитавших в Средней Азии в древние времена. -Алматы, 1998,  С. 40.    

Фасеев Ф.С. К расшифровке хуннских фрагментов // Источниковедение и история тюркских языков.  Казань, 1978. С. 137-147.  [Фасеев, 1978, 137-147].