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Writing of the early nomadic era (IV BC - V AD)

Writing of the early nomadic era (IV BC - V AD)
Есік жазуы
Writing of the early nomadic era (IV BC - V AD)
Есік жазуы фото К. Ақышев
Writing of the early nomadic era (IV BC - V AD)
Күміс тостағандағы мәтін.
Writing of the early nomadic era (IV BC - V AD)
Күміс тостағандағы мәтін. Сызбасы, 2001
Writing of the early nomadic era (IV BC - V AD)
Есік жазуы фото К. Ақышев
Writing of the early nomadic era (IV BC - V AD)
Күміс тостағандағы мәтін.
Writing of the early nomadic era (IV BC - V AD)
Күміс тостағандағы мәтін.

General information

There is an inscription on a silver bowl dating back to the Saka era. In 1969-1970, during archaeological excavations led by Kemal Akishev, a mound was discovered 60 km from Almaty along the Issyk River. The circumference is 60 meters, the height is 6 meters. The remains of a Saka warrior in a golden robe (known in the scientific world as the "Golden Man"), jewelry, ceramics and more than four thousand other objects were found here [Akishev, 1978: 53-60]. Among the objects was found the mentioned bowl of the Saka period (IV-III centuries BC) (cup size: d-15 cm, h-2.3 cm, m-79gr), containing a text of 26 characters. The text of this inscription on the bowl has not been fully studied, according to scientists, it belongs to the Proto-Turkic or Kushan script Kharoshthi.

According to the reading of turkologist Altai Amanzholov, the inscription has the following content: Ağa sana oçkuk! Bez çök! Bukun içre (r?) azuk is your hearth! Stranger, kneel down! Let the people have more food! According to the reading of the Iranist I. Harmatt: 1. za(m. )-ri ko-la (m. ) mi(m. )-vam. vam. -va pa-zam. pa-na de-ka mi(m. )-ri-to - The vessel should hold wine of grapes, added cooked food, so much, to the mortal, 2. ña-ka mi pa-zam. vam. -va va-za(m. )-na vam - then added cooked fresh butter on. "the vessel should contain wine from grapes, added cooked food, so much that the mortal then added boiled fresh oil to" The statement of Turkologist Akhmet Bizhan Yerzhilasun:   1: GA  SN  EŊ  İÇ  RK 2: BZ  İÇŊ  K  NRUK  Ŋ  NİÇRE  ZUK (veya: NİÇ  B/R  AZUK) Aga, esen, eŋ iç arak abız içiŋ. Eke anruk eŋ iniçre azuk.             

“Yükselerek, esenlikle (afiyetle), en içten (yanan) mumlar ile (eşliğinde) için. Abla hazırlatmış (tır) en küçük kardeşçağıza azık.” 


Акишев К.А. Курган Иссык. Искусство саков Казахстана. -М.,1978. 53-60. 

Акишев К.А. Иссыкское письмо и руническая письменность // Матариалы международной научно-практической конференции «Байырғы түркi өркениетi: жазба ескерткiштер», посвященной 10-летию Независимости Республики Казахстан. Алматы: «Ғылым»,  2001, 392-393 б. 

Аманжолов А.С. Руноподобная надпись из сакского захоронения близ Алма-Аты // Вестник АН КазССР. 1971. С. 12. 

Harmatta  Janos History of Civilization of Central Asia. Volume 2, Motilal Banarsidass, 1999, p. 421.  

Harmatta Janos Languages and literature in the Kushan Empire   // History of Civilizations of Central Asia: The development of sedentary and nomadic civilizations: 700 B.C. to A.D. 250. Motilal Banarsidass Publ., 1999 - 573. 

Ahmet B. Ercilasun Altin adam yaziti için yeni bir okuma denemesi, 2017.