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The Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary Sandor Lezsak visit the Turkic Academy

Today a delegation of Hungary, headed by the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary Sandor Lezsak, visited the International Turkic Academy. The honorable guests got acquainted with the valuable manuscripts of the Turkic Academy library, including with the private fund of Istvan Kongur Mandoky.

After that, there was a presentation of books in Hungarian «550 Kazakh proverbs and sayings» (with photographs from the fund of István Kongur Mandoky) and «Illustrated Chronicle of Kuns». In the event participated the Vice Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary Sandor Lezsak, the Acting President of the International Turkic Academy Fuzuli Majidli, State and public figure Adil Akhmetov, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to the Republic of Kazakhstan Otto Ivan Rona, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan E.Mukash, the head of the Department of the Kazakh language and Turkic studies of Nazarbayev University Uli Shamiloglu, Hungarian Turkologist David Shomfai Kara, as well as the state and public figures, famous scientists and intellectuals. It is worth noting that the collection «550 Kazakh Proverbs and Sayings» was translated into Hungarian by Hungarian poet, Kossuth Prize laureate, Honored Worker of the Republic of Hungary Ferenc Buda. The relation of Ferenc Buda with the Kazakh culture has more than thirty years. His translation of the Kazakh folk tale «The Invisible thief» was published in 1988 and he introduced the literature of other Turkic and Finno- Uigur peoples to Hungarian readers. The book was dedicated to the Hungarian Turkologist Istvan Kongur Mandoky and updated with the photographs of the scientist taken during his research trips to the Central Asia. The encyclopedia «Illustrated Chronicle of the Kuns» contains the results of scientific research on the origin, settlement and the history of the people of the Kuns (Cumans-Kipchaks) until the beginning of the 20th century. The publication consists of three parts. The first chapter consist of the historical description of the Kuns and the second part - explanations of 33 terms, related to the Kuns. The last part describes the history of 49 human settlements. Besides the well-known events, the book includes lesser-known facts, as well as information about the activities of outstanding personalities and rulers who have done a lot for the Kun people. In his speech, the Acting President of the Turkic Academy F.Majidli noted the symbolic significance of holding a meeting in the building of the Turkic Academy, where the valuable heritage of the prominent Turkologist Kongur Mandoky is stored. During the meeting F.Majidli presented the honorable guest Mr. S.Lezsak with the Gold Medal of the Academy «Alisher Navoi» for a significant contribution to the strengthening of cultural and literary ties in the Turkic world. It is worth noting that in 2018 Hungary became the first country to receive observer status in the International Turkic Academy, the first among the institutions of cooperation of the Turkic world, to which Hungary joined. In the present time, the Academy implements a number of projects with the aim to expand the interaction between the Turkic world and Hungary. Particularly, the Academy held a number of events, dedicated to the heritage of outstanding Hungarian Turkologists - such as Nemeth Gyula, György Almasy, István Kongur Mandoky, as well as realized another scientific projects, related to the heritage of Hungarian Turkologists, also the Academy published a number of scientific papers.