International Presentation of the Complex in Honor of Elteris Kutlug-Kagan Took Place in Budapest

On December 13, 2022, in Budapest, the capital of Hungary, the Turkic Academy, together with the Magyar-Turan International Foundation and the Hungarian Museum of Natural Sciences, held the presentation of the complex and written monument in honor of Elteris Kutlug-Kagan, discovered as a result of the joint Nomgon expedition with the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia.

The event was held at the Hungarian Museum of Natural Sciences, and started with the exhibition of photographs of archaeological excavations in the complex in honor of Qutlug-Qaghan, as well as historical artifacts found in it. The presentation was attended by President of the Turkic Academy Shahin Mustafayev, Chairman of the International Fund "Magyar-Turan" Andras Biro, Director of the Hungarian Museum of Natural Sciences Bernert Zsolt, Head of the Representation of the Turkic Council in Budapest Janos Hovari, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Lengyel Miklos, Head of the Center for Medieval Archaeological Research of the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia Altangereliin Enkhtor, expert of the Turkic Academy Napil Bazylkhan, ambassadors of the fraternal countries, as well as representatives of intelligentsia and Turkic scientists. Speaking at the opening of the event, President of the Academy Shahin Mustafayev informed about the works accomplished by of the Turkic Academy in Mongolia and spoke about the complex dedicated to Elteris Qutlug-Qaghan, which was discovered this year on the Nomgon plain. In addition, he thanked the Hungarian side for the high level of organization of the joint event, and stressed that the cooperation between the Turkic Academy and Hungary in the field of science and education continues to grow at an impressive pace. Further, during the presentation, members of the Nomgon expedition A. Enkhtor and N. Bazylkhan spoke in details about the complex and the ancient Turkic written monument found there. In turn, the chairman of the Magyar-Turan Foundation, A. Biro, spoke about the significance of the Elteris Qutlug-Qaghan complex, discovered by the Nomgon expedition, noting that this is a significant event in Turkology. Hungarian scientists highly appreciated the merits of the Turkic Academy, emphasizing that the discovery made is a result of many years of scientific work. In particular, a deeper study of the ancient Turkic, Sogdian and Brahmi inscriptions on the stones found in the complex will open up new pages of Turkic history. In addition, they dwelled on the family ties of the Turkic runes with the Hungarian runes, and noted the need for further in-depth study of this topic. To recall, this year, as a result of a scientific archaeological expedition in the Arkhangay aimag of Mongolia, on the Nomgon plain, carried out jointly by the Turkic Academy and the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, a complex and an inscription dedicated to Elteris Qutlug-Qaghan were found.