During the meeting, they exchanged of views on extending the permanent partnership between the two Organizations. The parties discussed the possibilities of mutual exchange of experience in the field of Turkic studies. In this regard, the Acting President of the International Turkic Academy proposed to the Rector of the University to take part in this initiative and build up close cooperation. In turn, Sh.Sirojiddinov expressed interest in the proposal of the Academy and expressed his willingness to cooperate. At the end of the meeting F.Majidli thanked Sh.Sirojiddinov for suppor and holding a high-level conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the outstanding Turkologist, figure Alash Akhmet Baitursynuly and the 125th anniversary of the prominent writer Mukhtar Auezov and handed him scientific works published by the Turkic Academy.
Atalar mirası → Sacred places of the Turkic world
The Acting President of the Turkic Academy met wıth the Rector of the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi