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Gabdulla Sakhipgareevich Amantaev

Gabdulla Amanta, full name — Gabdulla Sakhipgareevich Amantaev; December 23, 1907, Upper Kunakbai village of Buzuluksky district of Samara province, now Krasnogvardeysky district of Orenburg region — 1938, Ufa — Tatar and Bashkir Soviet poet, literary critic and folklorist, public figure.

Gabdulla Amanta, full name — Gabdulla Sakhipgareevich Amantaev (Bashkir Gabdulla Sakhipgary uly Amantaev); December 23, 1907, Upper Kunakbai village of Buzuluksky district of Samara province, now Krasnogvardeysky district of Orenburg region — 1938, Ufa) was a Tatar and Bashkir Soviet poet, literary critic and folklorist, public figure.

Gabdulla Amantai (Gabdulla Sakhipgareevich Amantaev) was born in 1907 in the village of Verkhne-Ilyasovo, Buzuluksky district, Samara province, now Orenburg region.

At the age of 10, he was determined to study at the Khusainiya madrasah. In 1917, while studying, he met Daut Yulty and Shaekhzada Babich. He was friends with Sagit Agish and Musa Jalil. At the age of 14, Gabdulla became secretary of the Tuxoran Cantonal Committee of the Komsomol.

In 1921, Gabdulla became a student of the Bashkir Institute of Public Education in Orenburg.

Since 1927, executive editor of the Tatar-Bashkir Bureau of the Komsomol Central Committee, head of the press department of the Bashkir Regional Komsomol Committee.

He took an active part in compiling dictionaries and textbooks of the Bashkir language, one of the organizers of the Bashkir philological science. His scientific works are devoted to the principles of the definition of national literature, the problems of the study of Bashkir folklore and literary language. Amantai knew Tatar, Turkish, Kazakh and Uzbek languages well.

Since May 1932, he was a researcher of the 2nd division. IV OF THE USSR Academy OF Sciences. He took part in collective work on the history of the Jadid movement in Uzbekistan (collected materials in the pre-revolutionary Uzbek and Tatar periodicals).

Delegate of the First Congress of Writers of the USSR. A member of the Bashkir.

He started publishing at the age of 15. The first poem, "Without", was published in the Tatar language in the newspaper "Bashkortstan" in 1921.

His books in the Tatar language "Avyl malaylary" (1928), "Balakay duslarga" (1928), "Tyrysh Vali" (1928), "Su buenda" (1930), "Chynayak" (1931), "Yort khayvannary" (1935), "Ala karga akiyate" are also known (1935), "Makallar" (1936), "Җomaklar" (1936), "Shigyrlar" (1938), the play "Yellar utkenda".

The first collection of poems "Songs of Struggle" was published in 1927. In total, he published 9 books during his lifetime.

The books "Maemailar" (1936) and later, "Kocheklar" (1963) were published in Kazan.

In 1937, he was repressed as a Bashkir bourgeois nationalist. Rehabilitated posthumously, in the late 90s of the XX century.