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Saul Mendelevich Abramzon

Сау́л Ме́нделевич (Матве́евич) Абрамзо́н (5 июля 1905, Дмитровск, Орловская губерния — 1 сентября 1977, Ленинград) — советский этнограф, тюрколог, доктор исторических наук (1969).

Saul Mendelevich (Matveyevich) Abramzon (July 5, 1905, Dmitrov, Oryol province — September 1, 1977, Leningrad) was a Soviet ethnographer, Turkologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences (1969).

He was born in a large family of watchmaker Mendel Abramovich Abramzon (?-1916) and Raisa Grigoryevna Fine.

In 1916, he entered a men's gymnasium in the city of Karachev, Orel province, but due to the death of his father, he was forced to return to his hometown and enroll in a higher elementary school, renamed after the revolution into a Soviet school of the second stage. After graduating from this school in 1922, Abramzon entered the Leningrad Agricultural Institute, from which he transferred to the ethnographic faculty of the Geographical Institute in 1924. When Abramzon graduated in 1926, it was already Leningrad State University. At the university he studied with A. N. Samoilovich and S. E. Malova.

In 1926, he was invited to work in the Kyrgyz Scientific Commission, established to collect materials on the history and ethnography of the Kyrgyz, as well as collections for the museum of local lore organized in the republic. He was a curator of the State Museum, director of the Institute of Local Lore at the People's Commissariat of the Kyrgyz ASSR (now the Kyrgyz Republic, Kyrgyzstan); researched the epic "Manas". Since 1931 he lived in Leningrad, worked in the ethnography sector of the peoples of Central Asia, Kazakhstan and the Caucasus of the Institute of Ethnography named after N. N. Miklukho-Maklay of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

On August 31, 1943, at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of History of the Central Asian State University, Abramzon defended his PhD thesis "An essay on the culture of the Kyrgyz people".

In the post-Soviet period, his works were published and translated into Kyrgyz.