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History of Writing of Turkic Peoples

The Old Turks used the Sogdian script during a certain time. Sogdian script consists of 14 letters (in the last version of 20) and have voiced and voiceless consonants, texts are written from right to left. The writing used by the Sogdians was based on the Old Phoenician, Aramaic and Syrian writings, and was spread on the territory of Sogdiana (now Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, Zeravshan, Kashkadarya).

The Turkic tribes inhabited the western part of Central Asia, including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Many cities, such as Taraz, Suyab, Otrar, Shash were located along the Silk Road.

Coins of the Turgesh era were minted in Taraz, Suyab during the period of the Turgesh Kaganate (690-756), these were copper coins adapted to the Sogdian "kayuan tunbao" of the Tan Empire.

Old Turkic inscriptions of 7-12th centuries. Türük bitig – Turkic bitig, bitig is original Turkic writing. It originated from ancient symbolic (graphic) inscriptions of ancient Turks, and based on it a morpho-phonemic writing accurately marks the nature of the ancient Turkic language, and was able to gather many old Turkic dialects in one spelling. This script could simplify reading of Old Turkic texts. The phonological structure of Old Turkic Writing is distinguished by the individual and complex reading of vowel and consonant sounds.

Since the era of the Uighur khanate (ethnopolitical association), who came in the history after the Old Turkic Empire, instead of Old Turks writing a new inscription was used under the religious influence of the Manichaeism of the Sogdian people.

Old Turks began to adopt Islam from the time of the Karakhanids dynasty (960), so the Turkic peoples of Karakhanids began to read the Quran and religious books in Arabic and started to use the Arabic alphabet for writing. It coincides with the period of the Muslim Renaissance (8-13th centuries). Thus, in the late centuries, the use of the Arabic script by the Turkic people expanded and thousands of works were written.

Since 1928 (after Baku conference), Turkic world started transition from the old Arabic alphabet to the Latin alphabet. During the campaign actions of the USSR in 1920-1930s, special Latin alphabet for all Turkic peoples and nationalities was developed, and the Republic of Türkiye moved to the Latin script.
In 1940, a new inscription based on the Cyrillic alphabet was introduced in the Turkic-speaking republics and nationalities, which were part of the USSR. After the political decision of the need of common alphabet the USSR peoples started to use a new alphabet based on the Russian alphabet. For example, 42 letters were adopted for the Kazakh language: а, ә, б, в, г, ғ, д, е, ё, ж, з, и, й, і, к, қ, л, м, н, ң, о, ө, п, р, с, т, у, ұ, ү, ф, х, һ, ц, ч, ш, щ, ъ, ы, і, ь, э, ю, я.